Blackhall Rocks postcodes (2024)

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There are 7 postcodes in the built up area of Blackhall Rocks. The area contains approximately 48 households with a population of about 97 (2011 census)

Key Active postcodeActive postcode Postcode no longer in usePostcode no longer in use
Postcode Latitude Longitude Easting Northing Grid reference Active?
TS27 4BJ54.733363-1.263479447525537847NZ475378Yes
TS27 4BL54.731685-1.260698447706537662NZ477376Yes
TS27 4BN54.733077-1.259229447799537818NZ477378Yes
TS27 4BP54.73144-1.261712447641537634NZ476376Yes
TS27 4BS54.732453-1.264552447457537745NZ474377Yes
TS27 4BW54.733086-1.259229447799537819NZ477378Yes
TS27 4DW54.727392-1.261071447687537184NZ476371Yes