Pye Bridge postcodes (2024)

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There are 9 postcodes in the built up area of Pye Bridge. The area contains approximately 112 households with a population of about 254 (2011 census)

Key Active postcodeActive postcode Postcode no longer in usePostcode no longer in use
Postcode Latitude Longitude Easting Northing Grid reference Active?
DE55 4BZ53.069126-1.350557443613352629SK436526Yes
DE55 4NU53.071109-1.351301443561352849SK435528Yes
DE55 4NW53.071908-1.344888443990352942SK439529Yes
DE55 4NX53.07107-1.351065443577352845SK435528Yes
DE55 4NY53.071764-1.343085444111352927SK441529Yes
DE55 4NZ53.071323-1.342987444118352878SK441528Yes
DE55 4PD53.073596-1.352684443466353125SK434531Yes
DE55 4PE53.071292-1.342405444157352875SK441528Yes
DE55 4PF53.07267-1.344459444018353027SK440530Yes