Chalkhouse Green postcodes (2024)

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There are 9 postcodes in the built up area of Chalkhouse Green. The area contains approximately 67 households with a population of about 155 (2011 census)

Key Active postcodeActive postcode Postcode no longer in usePostcode no longer in use
Postcode Latitude Longitude Easting Northing Grid reference Active?
RG4 9AA51.49634-0.980448470873177981SU708779Yes
RG4 9AB51.491827-0.979777470927177480SU709774Yes
RG4 9AD51.494538-0.981373470812177780SU708777Yes
RG4 9AE51.494331-0.981069470833177757SU708777Yes
RG4 9AG51.496736-0.979725470923178026SU709780Yes
RG4 9AH51.498006-0.982131470754178165SU707781Yes
RG4 9AJ51.499685-0.976605471135178357SU711783Yes
RG4 9AL51.500346-0.975121471237178432SU712784Yes
RG4 9AN51.498564-0.97699471110178232SU711782Yes