Theale (Somerset) postcodes (2024)

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There are 9 postcodes in the built up area of Theale (Somerset). The area contains approximately 76 households with a population of about 205 (2011 census)

Key Active postcodeActive postcode Postcode no longer in usePostcode no longer in use
Postcode Latitude Longitude Easting Northing Grid reference Active?
BS28 4SL51.213523-2.776143345884146322ST458463Yes
BS28 4SN51.213964-2.772534346137146368ST461463Yes
BS28 4SP51.21233-2.770803346256146185ST462461Yes
BS28 4SR51.213183-2.7697346334146279ST463462Yes
BS28 4SS51.213758-2.771895346181146345ST461463No
BS28 4SU51.21263-2.765576346621146215ST466462Yes
BS28 4SW51.214591-2.773755346052146439ST460464Yes
BS28 4SX51.212045-2.764321346708146149ST467461Yes
BS28 4SZ51.211825-2.765048346657146125ST466461Yes