Postcode downloads

This page contains postcode data sliced in various different ways. They are mostly in CSV format. You can find more details about the fields contained in the CSV files here

Full list of postcodes as CSV. This is too large to open in Excel but you can download part of the data below
Full list of postcodes as MDB (MS Access)
Full list of postcodes as AccDB (MS Access)
All terminated postcodes CSV

By country CSVs

These files will be too large for older versions of Excel but should work with more recent versions (2007 and later)

England (available in 3 parts - part 1, part 2, part 3) or a single file that is too large for Excel - England
Northern Ireland

Or you can download just the postcodes that are still in use in these countries

England (part 1, part 2) or a single file that is too large for Excel - England
Northern Ireland

By English region CSVs

North East
North West
Yorkshire and The Humber
East Midlands
West Midlands
East of England
South East
South West

By postcode area CSVs

AB  AL  B  BA  BB  BD  BH  BL  BN  BR  BS  BT  CA  CB  CF  CH  CM  CO  CR  CT  CV  CW  DA  DD  DE  DG  DH  DL  DN  DT  DY  E  EC  EH  EN  EX  FK  FY  G  GL  GU  HA  HD  HG  HP  HR  HS  HU  HX  IG  IP  IV  KA  KT  KW  KY  L  LA  LD  LE  LL  LN  LS  LU  M  ME  MK  ML  N  NE  NG  NN  NP  NR  NW  OL  OX  PA  PE  PH  PL  PO  PR  RG  RH  RM  S  SA  SE  SG  SK  SL  SM  SN  SO  SP  SR  SS  ST  SW  SY  TA  TD  TF  TN  TQ  TR  TS  TW  UB  W  WA  WC  WD  WF  WN  WR  WS  WV  YO  ZE

By administrative area CSVs

List of counties and administative areas with population data
List of counties, administative areas and wards with population data
These pages include postcode data filtered by local government administrative areas.
Lower Super Output Areas with centre points (2011)
Lower Super Output Areas with centre points (2021)
Middle Super Output Areas with centre points (2021)

Overview CSVs

Area summary table as CSV
Postcode districts (e.g. BB3, BB4 etc)
Postcode sectors (e.g BB3 3, BB3 9)
Postcode districts (e.g. BB3, BB4 etc) in each English county


KML can be used in Google Earth and other mapping tools

Postcode area polygons (e.g. BB, KT)
Postcode sector polygons of the whole UK (e.g BB3 3, BB3 9)
Postcode sector centre points
Postcode district polygons of the whole UK (e.g BB3, BB4)
Postcode district centre points
Administrative areas centre points
English and Welsh counties polygons
English and Welsh counties centre points
Built up areas centre points
Electoral constituencies centre points


GeoJSON is popular in web-based mapping tools

Postcode district centre points
Administrative areas centre points
Built up areas centre points
Electoral constituencies centre points

Custom areas

You can use this page to construct a custom list of postcodes.