Map of BS35 3SY postcode

General information
Postcode BS35 3SY
Post Town Bristol
Nearest station Yate (7 km)
Bus stops
No nearby bus stops
Roads in this postcode
Number of UPRNs 35 View
Known addresses
Alwih Cottage, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Cherry Tree Cottage, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Crockfords, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Holly Tree Cottage, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Knights Well, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Meadow Cottage, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot 89-22, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Af11, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Af44se, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Ah43nw, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Ai18, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Am13, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot An14, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot An15, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Ap16, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Ar14, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Ar15, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Ar20, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Ar22sw, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Au22sw, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Ax19, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Az23, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Ba18, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Ba21, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp41-34, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp42-15, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp43-31, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp44-10, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp44-25, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp44-34, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp44-9, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp51, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp65-10, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp74-50, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp76-47, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp78-26, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp79-164, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp80-28, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp84-121, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp84-144, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp84-154, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp84-27, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp84-73, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp84-75, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp85-2, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp85-21, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp85-35, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp85-50, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp88-16, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp88-71, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp89-14, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp89-18, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp89-2, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp89-39, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp89-43, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp89-46, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp89-50, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp89-7, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp92-19, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp92-24, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp92-29, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp95 12, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp95 26, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp95-19, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Plot Sp95-32, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, Alveston
Main property type Other
Latitude 51.580546
Longitude -2.505276
Easting 365085
Northing 186975
Grid reference ST650869
UTM reference 30U 534279 5714502
what3words neck.lunges.increases
Plus code 9C3VHFJV+6V
Altitude 71 metres (235 feet)
Sunrise (today) 6:30
Sunset (today) 18:11
Distance away
Distance to sea 9 KMs (5.6 miles)
Administrative areas
Ward Severn Vale E05012123
Unitary Authority South Gloucestershire E06000025
County Gloucestershire E10000013
Constituency (2024) Thornbury and Yate E14001545
MPClaire YoungLiberal Democrat
Police forceAvon and Somerset
Water companyBristol Water
NUTS/ITL 3 Bath & North East Somerset and South Gloucestershire
NUTS/ITL 2 West of England
NUTS/ITL 1 South West
Country England E92000001
Date introduced December 1997
Last updated February 2025
User type Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean
Population (2011) 37
Households (2011) 14
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019)
21,849 / 32,844
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020)
Lowest (£22,200) Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urbanRural hamlet and isolated dwellings
Census output area (2021)E00075103
Census output area (2011)E00075103
Lower layer super output area (2021)South Gloucestershire 004BE01014864
Lower layer super output area (2011)South Gloucestershire 004BE01014864
Middle layer super output area (2021)Alveston, Olveston & OldburyE02003093
Middle layer super output area (2011)Alveston, Olveston & OldburyE02003093
Travel to work areaBristolE30000180
Property sales
Average property price in Bristol £341,298
Annual change 0.5%
View all properties sold in the BS postcode area
Properties recently sold in this postcode
Holly Tree Cottage, Shellards Lane, AlvestonSemi-detached (freehold)Jun 2021£375,000
Plot Ar22sw, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, AlvestonOther (freehold)Jul 2020£2,880
Plot Sp92-19, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, AlvestonOther (freehold)Oct 2019£2,160
Plot Au22sw, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, AlvestonOther (freehold)Aug 2019£2,880
Plot Ax19, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, AlvestonOther (freehold)May 2019£6,800
Plot Az23, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, AlvestonOther (freehold)May 2019£8,840
Plot Sp44-9, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, AlvestonOther (freehold)May 2019£1,450
Plot Sp85-2, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, AlvestonOther (freehold)May 2019£2,400
Plot Sp85-21, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, AlvestonOther (freehold)May 2019£3,275
Plot Sp92-24, Rookery Farm, Shellards Lane, AlvestonOther (freehold)May 2019£2,160

View all properties sold in the BS35 3 sector

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Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2025
Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
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