Map of CF72 9WA postcode

General information
Postcode CF72 9WA
Post Town Pontyclun
Nearest station Llanharan (1 km)
Bus stops
Post Office (E)
Terry's Way (W)
Terry's Way (E)
Trenos Gardens (E)
Trenos Gardens (W)
Roads in this postcode
Number of UPRNs 71 View
Known addresses
1 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
3 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
5 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
7 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
9 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
11 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
13 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
15 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
17 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
19 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
21 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
23 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
25 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
27 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
29 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
31 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
33 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
35 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
37 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
39 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
41 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
43 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
45 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
47 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
49 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
51 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
53 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
55 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
57 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
59 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
61 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
63 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
65 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
67 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
71 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
73 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
75 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
77 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
79 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
81 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
83 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
85 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
87 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
89 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
91 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
93 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
95 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
97 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
99 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
101 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
103 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
105 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
107 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
109 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
111 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
113 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, Bryncae
Main property type Detached
Latitude 51.531818
Longitude -3.452577
Easting 299339
Northing 182435
Grid reference SS993824
UTM reference 30U 468607 5709064
what3words imparting.invoices.laminate
Plus code 9C3RGGJW+PX
Altitude 70 metres (230 feet)
Sunrise (today) 6:33
Sunset (today) 18:15
Distance away
Distance to sea 14.9 KMs (9.2 miles)
Administrative areas
Ward Brynna and Llanharan W05001076
Unitary Authority Rhondda Cynon Taf W06000016
County Mid Glamorgan W11000005
Constituency (2024) Pontypridd W07000106
MPAlex Davies-JonesLabour
Police forceSouth Wales
Water companyDwr Cymru Welsh Water
NUTS/ITL 3 Central Valleys and Bridgend
NUTS/ITL 2 South East Wales
NUTS/ITL 1 Wales
Country Wales W92000004
Date introduced August 2012
Last updated February 2025
User type Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019)
1,371 / 1,909
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020)
Lowest (£22,200) Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urbanRural town and fringe
Built up area (2024)Llanharan and BrynnaW45001197
Census output area (2021)W00010284
Census output area (2011)W00006128
Lower layer super output area (2021)Rhondda Cynon Taf 029FW01001966
Lower layer super output area (2011)Rhondda Cynon Taf 029BW01001161
Middle layer super output area (2021)Bryn-cae & LlanharanW02000280
Middle layer super output area (2011)Bryn-cae & LlanharanW02000280
Travel to work areaCardiffW22000024
Nearby schools
Property sales
Average property price in Cardiff £216,189
Annual change 2.0%
View all properties sold in the CF postcode area
Properties recently sold in this postcode
57 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, BryncaeDetached (freehold)Jun 2024£460,000
New build detached (freehold)Feb 2014£239,995
91 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, BryncaeSemi-detached (freehold)Jun 2024£282,000
Semi-detached (freehold)Jun 2017£206,000
New build semi-detached (freehold)Jun 2013£167,995
5 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, BryncaeDetached (freehold)Feb 2023£365,000
New build detached (freehold)May 2014£204,995
43 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, BryncaeDetached (freehold)Sep 2022£365,000
New build detached (freehold)Apr 2014£235,000
63 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, BryncaeSemi-detached (freehold)Mar 2022£380,000
New build semi-detached (freehold)Dec 2013£224,995
85 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, BryncaeSemi-detached (freehold)Nov 2021£265,000
New build semi-detached (freehold)Jun 2013£166,500
25 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, BryncaeSemi-detached (freehold)Oct 2021£265,000
Semi-detached (freehold)Jun 2016£199,000
New build semi-detached (freehold)Jan 2013£165,000
79 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, BryncaeDetached (freehold)Oct 2021£390,000
New build detached (freehold)Jun 2013£204,800
105 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, BryncaeTerraced (freehold)Sep 2021£177,000
Terraced (freehold)Aug 2013£140,000
109 Ffordd Dol Y Coed, BryncaeTerraced (freehold)Sep 2021£174,000

View all properties sold in the CF72 9 sector

Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.
Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2025
Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
Contains data from Wikipedia covered by the Creative Commons license