Postcode | FK7 8YZ |
Post Town | Stirling |
Nearest station | Stirling (3 km) |
Bus stops |
Bruce Street (SW)
Bruce Street (NE)
Roman Catholic Church (SE)
Cross (SE)
Lomond Drive (S)
Cross (NW)
Businesses |
No businesses found
Latitude | 56.091727 | |
Longitude | -3.911329 | |
Easting | 281180 | |
Northing | 690417 | |
Grid reference | NS811904 | |
UTM reference | 30V 443297 6216662 | |
what3words | flattered.excuse.cope | |
Plus code | 9C8R33RQ+MF | |
Altitude | 38 metres (126 feet) | |
Sunrise (today) | 6:32 | |
Sunset (today) | 18:19 | |
Distance away | ||
Distance to sea | 12 KMs (7.4 miles) |
Ward | Bannockburn | S13003121 |
Council Area | Stirling | S12000030 |
Constituency (2024) | Stirling and Strathallan | S14000105 |
MP | Chris Kane | Labour |
Police force | Scotland | |
NUTS/ITL 3 | Perth and Kinross, and Stirling | |
NUTS/ITL 2 | Eastern Scotland | |
NUTS/ITL 1 | Scotland | |
Country | Scotland | S92000003 |
Date introduced | December 2024 |
Last updated | February 2025 |
User type | Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day) |
Quality | Imputed by ONS by reference to surrounding postcode grid references |
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019) |
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Rural/urban | Other urban area | |
Census output area (2021) | S00179224 | |
Census output area (2011) | S00133014 | |
Lower layer super output area (2011) | Bannockburn - 02 | S01013038 |
Middle layer super output area (2011) | Bannockburn | S02002443 |
Travel to work area | Falkirk and Stirling | S22000061 |