Map of L3 0AY postcode

General information
Postcode L3 0AY
Post Town Liverpool
Nearest station Moorfields (1 km)
Bus stops
Galton Street (N)
Greenock Street (E)
Dublin Street (N)
Roberts Street (W)
Paisley Street (N)
Sprainger Street (S)
Roads in this postcode
Number of UPRNs 74 View
Known addresses
Apartment 101, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 102, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 103, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 105, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 106, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 107, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 108, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 109, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 201, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 202, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 203, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 204, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 205, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 206, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 207, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 208, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 209, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 210, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 301, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 302, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 303, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 304, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 305, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 307, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 308, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 309, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 310, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 401, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 402, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 403, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 404, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 405, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 406, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 408, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 409, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 410, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 501, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 502, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 503, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 504, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 505, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 506, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 507, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 508, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 509, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 510, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 602, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 603, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 604, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 605, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 606, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 607, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 608, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 609, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 610, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 701, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 702, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 703, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 704, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 705, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 706, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 707, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 708, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 709, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Apartment 710, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Ground Floor Retail Unit, 11A Jesse Hartley Way, Liverpool
Main property type Flat
Latitude 53.41563
Longitude -3.001508
Easting 333532
Northing 391448
Grid reference SJ335914
UTM reference 30U 499899 5918507
what3words extend.they.feast
Plus code 9C5RCX8X+79
Altitude 7 metres (23 feet)
Sunrise (today) 6:32
Sunset (today) 18:12
Distance away
Distance to sea 0.4 KMs (0.2 miles)
Administrative areas
ParishLiverpool, unparished areaE43000166
Ward Waterfront North E05015332
Metropolitan District Liverpool E08000012
County Merseyside E11000013
Constituency (2024) Liverpool Riverside E14001338
MPKim JohnsonLabour
Police forceMerseyside
NUTS/ITL 3 Liverpool
NUTS/ITL 2 Merseyside
NUTS/ITL 1 North West
Country England E92000001
Date introduced May 2020
Last updated February 2025
User type Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019)
3,937 / 32,844
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020)
Lowest (£22,200) Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urbanUrban major conurbation
Built up area (2024)LiverpoolE63008477
Census output area (2021)E00182972
Census output area (2011)E00033670
Lower layer super output area (2021)Liverpool 062AE01033751
Lower layer super output area (2011)Liverpool 062AE01033751
Middle layer super output area (2021)Pier HeadE02006934
Middle layer super output area (2011)Pier HeadE02006934
Travel to work areaLiverpoolE30000233
Property sales
Average property price in Liverpool £189,625
Annual change 4.3%
View all properties sold in the L postcode area
Properties recently sold in this postcode
Apartment 505, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, LiverpoolFlat (leasehold)Oct 2024£230,000
New build flat (leasehold)Apr 2020£238,560
Apartment 205, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, LiverpoolFlat (leasehold)Feb 2024£229,995
New build flat (leasehold)May 2020£212,588
Apartment 605, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, LiverpoolFlat (leasehold)Aug 2022£250,000
New build flat (leasehold)May 2020£224,932
Apartment 210, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, LiverpoolFlat (leasehold)May 2022£145,000
New build flat (leasehold)May 2020£131,266
Apartment 706, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, LiverpoolFlat (leasehold)Mar 2021£236,000
New build flat (leasehold)Aug 2019£213,685
Apartment 103, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, LiverpoolNew build flat (leasehold)Mar 2021£205,045
Apartment 202, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, LiverpoolNew build flat (leasehold)Mar 2021£207,102
Apartment 707, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, LiverpoolFlat (leasehold)Feb 2021£237,875
New build flat (leasehold)Jul 2020£237,875
Apartment 508, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, LiverpoolNew build flat (leasehold)Nov 2020£148,216
Apartment 107, Park Central, 11 Jesse Hartley Way, LiverpoolNew build flat (leasehold)Oct 2020£126,720

View all properties sold in the L3 0 sector

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Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2025
Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
Contains data from Wikipedia covered by the Creative Commons license