Map of M50 3AY postcode

General information
Postcode M50 3AY
Post Town Salford
Nearest station Salford Crescent (2 km)
Bus stops
Winnipeg Quay (E)
Huron Basin (E)
The Lowry (W)
Harbour City (Manchester Metrolink) (W)
Harbour City (Manchester Metrolink) ()
Sir Alex Ferguson Way (E)
Roads in this postcode
Number of UPRNs 47 View
Known addresses
Apartment 1001 31, Sovereign Point, Salford
Apartment 1001, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1002, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1003, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1004, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1005, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1006, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1101, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1102, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1103, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1104, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1105, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1106, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1201, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1202, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1203, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1204, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1205, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1206, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1301, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1302, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1303, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1304, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1401, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1402, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1403, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1404, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1501, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1502, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1503, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1601, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1602, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1602, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1603, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1603, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1701, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1701, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 1801, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 801, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 802, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 803, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 804, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 805, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 806, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 901, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 902, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 903, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 904, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 905, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Apartment 906, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, Salford
Main property type Flat
Latitude 53.470648
Longitude -2.291434
Easting 380752
Northing 397141
Grid reference SJ807971
UTM reference 30U 547033 5924862
what3words apples.soaks.hope
Plus code 9C5VFPC5+7C
Altitude 26 metres (84 feet)
Sunrise (today) 6:32
Sunset (today) 18:08
Distance away
Distance to sea 34.4 KMs (21.4 miles)
Administrative areas
ParishSalford, unparished areaE43000160
Ward Quays E05013031
Metropolitan District Salford E08000006
County Greater Manchester E11000010
Constituency (2024) Salford E14001459
MPRebecca Long BaileyLabour
Police forceGreater Manchester
Water companyUnited Utilities
NUTS/ITL 3 Greater Manchester South West
NUTS/ITL 2 Greater Manchester
NUTS/ITL 1 North West
Country England E92000001
Date introduced May 2005
Last updated February 2025
User type Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean
Population (2011) 62
Households (2011) 39
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019)
30,442 / 32,844
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020)
Lowest (£22,200) Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urbanUrban major conurbation
Built up area (2024)SalfordE63008377
Census output area (2021)E00181621
Census output area (2011)E00168578
Lower layer super output area (2021)Salford 037DE01033998
Lower layer super output area (2011)Salford 028EE01032685
Middle layer super output area (2021)Salford QuaysE02006963
Middle layer super output area (2011)Ordsall & Salford QuaysE02001184
Travel to work areaManchesterE30000239
Property sales
Properties recently sold in this postcode
Apartment 1304, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, SalfordFlat (leasehold)Mar 2019£482,500
Flat (leasehold)Aug 2015£468,000
New build flat (leasehold)May 2008£593,750
Apartment 1701, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, SalfordFlat (leasehold)Apr 2018£462,500
Apartment 901, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, SalfordFlat (leasehold)Apr 2018£319,500
Apartment 1301, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, SalfordFlat (leasehold)Jul 2017£330,000
Flat (leasehold)Mar 2009£250,000
New build flat (leasehold)Mar 2007£319,900
Apartment 1401, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, SalfordFlat (leasehold)Jun 2017£315,000
New build flat (leasehold)Jul 2006£311,000
Apartment 1002, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, SalfordFlat (leasehold)Dec 2016£250,000
Apartment 1006, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, SalfordFlat (leasehold)Dec 2016£215,000
New build flat (leasehold)Jun 2005£208,000
Apartment 1602, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, SalfordFlat (leasehold)Nov 2016£305,000
Apartment 1104, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, SalfordFlat (leasehold)Sep 2016£280,000
Flat (leasehold)May 2014£225,000
New build flat (leasehold)Sep 2006£246,000
Apartment 1403, Sovereign Point, 31 The Quays, SalfordFlat (leasehold)Jun 2016£296,500
New build flat (leasehold)Sep 2005£279,000

View all properties sold in the M50 3 sector

Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.
Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2025
Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
Contains data from Wikipedia covered by the Creative Commons license