Postcode | ME16 8FE |
Post Town | Maidstone |
Nearest station | Maidstone West (0 km) |
Bus stops |
Charles Street (W)
Charles Street (N)
Maidstone West Railway Station (N)
Maidstone West Railway Station (W)
Courtenay Road (W)
Courtenay Road (E)
Roads in this postcode | |
Number of UPRNs | 71 View |
Known addresses |
141 Wallis Place, Maidstone
142 Wallis Place, Maidstone
143 Wallis Place, Maidstone
144 Wallis Place, Maidstone
145 Wallis Place, Maidstone
146 Wallis Place, Maidstone
147 Wallis Place, Maidstone
148 Wallis Place, Maidstone
149 Wallis Place, Maidstone
150 Wallis Place, Maidstone
151 Wallis Place, Maidstone
153 Wallis Place, Maidstone
154 Wallis Place, Maidstone
155 Wallis Place, Maidstone
156 Wallis Place, Maidstone
157 Wallis Place, Maidstone
158 Wallis Place, Maidstone
159 Wallis Place, Maidstone
160 Wallis Place, Maidstone
161 Wallis Place, Maidstone
162 Wallis Place, Maidstone
164 Wallis Place, Maidstone
165 Wallis Place, Maidstone
166 Wallis Place, Maidstone
167 Wallis Place, Maidstone
168 Wallis Place, Maidstone
169 Wallis Place, Maidstone
170 Wallis Place, Maidstone
171 Wallis Place, Maidstone
172 Wallis Place, Maidstone
173 Wallis Place, Maidstone
174 Wallis Place, Maidstone
175 Wallis Place, Maidstone
177 Wallis Place, Maidstone
178 Wallis Place, Maidstone
179 Wallis Place, Maidstone
180 Wallis Place, Maidstone
181 Wallis Place, Maidstone
182 Wallis Place, Maidstone
183 Wallis Place, Maidstone
184 Wallis Place, Maidstone
187 Wallis Place, Maidstone
188 Wallis Place, Maidstone
190 Wallis Place, Maidstone
191 Wallis Place, Maidstone
192 Wallis Place, Maidstone
193 Wallis Place, Maidstone
194 Wallis Place, Maidstone
195 Wallis Place, Maidstone
196 Wallis Place, Maidstone
197 Wallis Place, Maidstone
198 Wallis Place, Maidstone
199 Wallis Place, Maidstone
200 Wallis Place, Maidstone
201 Wallis Place, Maidstone
202 Wallis Place, Maidstone
203 Wallis Place, Maidstone
204 Wallis Place, Maidstone
205 Wallis Place, Maidstone
207 Wallis Place, Maidstone
208 Wallis Place, Maidstone
Main property type | Flat |
Businesses |
Latitude | 51.267736 | |
Longitude | 0.51594 | |
Easting | 575614 | |
Northing | 155071 | |
Grid reference | TQ756550 | |
UTM reference | 31U 326711 5682529 | |
what3words | | |
Plus code | 9F327G98+39 | |
Altitude | 8 metres (28 feet) | |
Sunrise (today) | 6:08 | |
Sunset (today) | 18:06 | |
Distance away | ||
Distance to sea | 14.1 KMs (8.7 miles) |
Parish | Maidstone, unparished area | E43000088 |
Ward | Fant & Oakwood | E05015599 |
Local Authority District | Maidstone | E07000110 |
County Electoral Division | Maidstone Central | E58000711 |
Local Authority | Kent | E10000016 |
County | Kent | E10000016 |
Constituency (2024) | Maidstone and Malling | E14001349 |
MP | Helen Grant | Conservative |
Police force | Kent | |
Water company | South East Water | |
Sewage company | Southern Water | |
NUTS/ITL 3 | Mid Kent | |
NUTS/ITL 2 | Kent | |
NUTS/ITL 1 | South East | |
Country | England | E92000001 |
Date introduced | May 2009 |
Last updated | February 2025 |
User type | Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day) |
Quality | Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean |
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019) |
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020) |
Lowest (£22,200)
Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urban | Urban city and town | |
Built up area (2024) | Maidstone | E63012591 |
Census output area (2021) | E00170368 | |
Census output area (2011) | E00170368 | |
Lower layer super output area (2021) | Maidstone 006F | E01033087 |
Lower layer super output area (2011) | Maidstone 006F | E01033087 |
Middle layer super output area (2021) | Maidstone West | E02005073 |
Middle layer super output area (2011) | Maidstone West | E02005073 |
Travel to work area | Medway | E30000242 |
Average property price in Rochester | £318,890 |
Annual change | 0.1% |
Address | Type | Date | Price |
191 Wallis Place, Maidstone | Flat (leasehold) | Jul 2024 | £55,000 |
Flat (leasehold) | May 2014 | £35,000 | |
167 Wallis Place, Maidstone | Flat (leasehold) | Nov 2023 | £155,000 |
Flat (leasehold) | Aug 2020 | £153,000 | |
Flat (leasehold) | Apr 2015 | £120,000 | |
New build flat (leasehold) | Oct 2011 | £99,995 | |
177 Wallis Place, Maidstone | Flat (leasehold) | Oct 2023 | £150,000 |
New build flat (leasehold) | Jul 2011 | £100,000 | |
141 Wallis Place, Maidstone | Flat (leasehold) | Oct 2023 | £212,000 |
New build flat (leasehold) | Jun 2011 | £135,000 | |
180 Wallis Place, Maidstone | Flat (leasehold) | Oct 2023 | £152,000 |
Flat (leasehold) | Apr 2014 | £112,500 | |
New build flat (leasehold) | Feb 2011 | £100,000 | |
172 Wallis Place, Maidstone | Flat (leasehold) | Jan 2022 | £190,000 |
New build flat (leasehold) | Apr 2012 | £124,995 | |
187 Wallis Place, Maidstone | Flat (leasehold) | Mar 2021 | £160,000 |
Flat (leasehold) | Sep 2017 | £155,000 | |
New build flat (leasehold) | Sep 2009 | £73,500 | |
149 Wallis Place, Maidstone | Flat (leasehold) | Aug 2019 | £184,000 |
New build flat (leasehold) | May 2011 | £139,995 | |
148 Wallis Place, Maidstone | Flat (leasehold) | May 2019 | £195,000 |
New build flat (leasehold) | May 2011 | £139,995 | |
166 Wallis Place, Maidstone | Flat (leasehold) | Jan 2019 | £157,000 |
Flat (leasehold) | Mar 2016 | £140,000 | |
New build flat (leasehold) | Dec 2011 | £104,995 |