Map of NE15 6BG postcode

General information
Postcode NE15 6BG
Post Town Newcastle upon Tyne
Nearest station MetroCentre (1 km)
Bus stops
Armstrong Road-Woodland Crescent (W)
Armstrong Road-Hodgkin Park Road (E)
Whitehouse Enterprise Centre (E)
Armstrong Road-Cranbrook Road (W)
Whitehouse Enterprise Centre (W)
Benwell Lane-Denton Gardens (W)
Roads in this postcode
Number of UPRNs 107 View
Known addresses
1 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
3 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
5 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
6 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
8 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
10 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
11 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
12 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
14 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
17 Belshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
20 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
26 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
27 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
28 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
29 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
30 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
31 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
32 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
33 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
35 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
37 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
38 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
40 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
42 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
43 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
44 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
45 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
46 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
47 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
48 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
50 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
52 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
54 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
56 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Main property type Semi-detached
Latitude 54.969282
Longitude -1.673067
Easting 421028
Northing 563900
Grid reference NZ210639
UTM reference 30U 584944 6092178
what3words sizes.fancy.firmly
Plus code 9C6WX89G+PQ
Altitude 52 metres (171 feet)
Sunrise (today) 6:30
Sunset (today) 18:04
Distance away
Distance to sea 16.1 KMs (10 miles)
Administrative areas
ParishNewcastle upon Tyne, unparished areaE43000270
Ward Benwell & Scotswood E05011437
Metropolitan District Newcastle upon Tyne E08000021
County Tyne and Wear E11000017
Constituency (2024) Newcastle upon Tyne Central and West E14001377
MPChi OnwurahLabour
Police forceNorthumbria
Water companyNorthumbrian Water
NUTS/ITL 3 Tyneside
NUTS/ITL 2 Northumberland, Durham and Tyne & Wear
NUTS/ITL 1 North East
Country England E92000001
Date introduced February 2014
Last updated February 2025
User type Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019)
1,567 / 32,844
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020)
Lowest (£22,200) Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urbanUrban major conurbation
Built up area (2024)Newcastle upon TyneE63007169
Census output area (2021)E00189952
Census output area (2011)E00175597
Lower layer super output area (2021)Newcastle upon Tyne 027CE01008290
Lower layer super output area (2011)Newcastle upon Tyne 027CE01008290
Middle layer super output area (2021)BenwellE02001734
Middle layer super output area (2011)BenwellE02001734
Travel to work areaNewcastleE30000245
Property sales
Average property price in Newcastle upon Tyne £182,624
Annual change -2.6%
View all properties sold in the NE postcode area
Properties recently sold in this postcode
27 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon TyneSemi-detached (leasehold)Nov 2023£170,000
New build semi-detached (leasehold)Nov 2014£139,950
46 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon TyneDetached (leasehold)Aug 2023£214,950
Detached (leasehold)Dec 2022£215,000
New build detached (leasehold)Nov 2014£154,450
52 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon TyneDetached (leasehold)Nov 2022£225,000
Detached (leasehold)Dec 2017£173,000
New build detached (leasehold)Dec 2014£161,450
47 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon TyneSemi-detached (leasehold)Oct 2022£147,500
New build semi-detached (leasehold)Sep 2014£126,450
50 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon TyneDetached (leasehold)Aug 2022£215,000
New build detached (leasehold)Dec 2014£164,450
35 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon TyneSemi-detached (leasehold)Jul 2022£180,000
New build semi-detached (leasehold)Oct 2014£140,950
28 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon TyneFlat (leasehold)Jan 2022£110,000
New build flat (leasehold)Jun 2015£96,950
20 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon TyneSemi-detached (leasehold)Dec 2021£153,000
New build semi-detached (leasehold)Aug 2015£139,950
38 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon TyneDetached (leasehold)Oct 2021£197,300
New build detached (leasehold)Nov 2014£152,450
45 Bellshiel Grove, Newcastle Upon TyneSemi-detached (leasehold)Jul 2021£157,500
New build semi-detached (leasehold)Nov 2014£139,950

View all properties sold in the NE15 6 sector

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Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2025
Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
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