Postcode | PL20 7JL |
Post Town | Yelverton |
Nearest station | Bere Ferrers (1 km) |
Bus stops |
Social Club (NW)
Roads in this postcode | |
Number of UPRNs | 46 View |
Known addresses |
Edgecumbe House, Bere Ferrers
Eureka, Bere Ferrers
Fairview, Bere Ferrers
Hawcombe House, Bere Ferrers
Hillcrest, Bere Ferrers
Homelea, Bere Ferrers
Kingsley, Bere Ferrers
Little Clouds, Bere Ferrers
Lower Tavy, Bere Ferrers
Mariston View, Bere Ferrers
Maristow Cottage, Bere Ferrers
Old Plough Inn, Bere Ferrers
Orchard End, Bere Ferrers
Orland, Bere Ferrers
Orlando, Bere Ferrers
Side Lane, Bere Ferrers
Swallows Reach, Bere Ferrers
Tapp Cottage, Bere Ferrers
Tavy Cottage, Bere Ferrers
The Hermitage, Bere Ferrers
2 Retreat Cottage, Bere Ferrers
Main property type | Semi-detached |
Businesses |
Latitude | 50.45103 | |
Longitude | -4.171789 | |
Easting | 245914 | |
Northing | 63498 | |
Grid reference | SX459634 | |
UTM reference | 30U 416810 5589436 | |
what3words | sticky.rating.hands | |
Plus code | 9C2QFR2H+C7 | |
Altitude | 8 metres (25 feet) | |
Sunrise (today) | 6:27 | |
Sunset (today) | 18:25 | |
Distance away | ||
Distance to sea | 0.4 KMs (0.2 miles) |
Parish | Bere Ferrers | E04003306 |
Ward | Bere Ferrers | E05010550 |
Local Authority District | West Devon | E07000047 |
County Electoral Division | Yelverton Rural | E58000311 |
Local Authority | Devon | E10000008 |
County | Devon | E10000008 |
Constituency (2024) | Torridge and Tavistock | E14001552 |
MP | Sir Geoffrey Cox | Conservative |
Police force | Devon & Cornwall | |
Water company | South West Water | |
NUTS/ITL 3 | Devon CC | |
NUTS/ITL 2 | Devon | |
NUTS/ITL 1 | South West | |
Country | England | E92000001 |
Date introduced | January 1980 |
Last updated | February 2025 |
User type | Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day) |
Quality | Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean |
Population (2011) | 60 | |
Households (2011) | 29 | |
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019) |
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020) |
Lowest (£22,200)
Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urban | Rural village | |
Census output area (2021) | E00102900 | |
Census output area (2011) | E00102900 | |
Lower layer super output area (2021) | West Devon 007A | E01020312 |
Lower layer super output area (2011) | West Devon 007A | E01020312 |
Middle layer super output area (2021) | Bere Alston, Buckland Monachorum & Yelverton | E02004235 |
Middle layer super output area (2011) | Bere Alston, Buckland Monachorum & Yelverton | E02004235 |
Travel to work area | Plymouth | E30000253 |
Average property price in Plymouth | £248,783 |
Annual change | -2.3% |
Address | Type | Date | Price |
Fairview, Bere Ferrers | Terraced (freehold) | Nov 2023 | £142,000 |
Terraced (freehold) | Feb 2014 | £111,000 | |
Terraced (freehold) | Mar 2003 | £77,000 | |
Terraced (freehold) | Apr 2002 | £60,000 | |
Side Lane, Bere Ferrers | Semi-detached (freehold) | Oct 2022 | £355,000 |
Semi-detached (freehold) | Nov 2010 | £115,000 | |
Lower Tavy, Bere Ferrers | Other (freehold) | Oct 2021 | £700,000 |
Kingsley, Bere Ferrers | Terraced (freehold) | Dec 2020 | £270,000 |
Terraced (freehold) | Feb 2000 | £87,500 | |
Tapp Cottage, Bere Ferrers | Detached (freehold) | Sep 2020 | £325,000 |
Detached (freehold) | Dec 2019 | £238,500 | |
Detached (freehold) | Oct 2008 | £175,000 | |
Detached (freehold) | Aug 2006 | £175,000 | |
Detached (freehold) | Feb 2006 | £170,000 | |
The Hermitage, Bere Ferrers | Detached (freehold) | Oct 2018 | £161,000 |
Tavy Cottage, Bere Ferrers | Semi-detached (freehold) | Jan 2018 | £195,000 |
Semi-detached (freehold) | Aug 2000 | £104,000 | |
Orland, Bere Ferrers | Semi-detached (freehold) | Sep 2015 | £230,000 |
Homelea, Bere Ferrers | Semi-detached (freehold) | Jun 2014 | £185,000 |
Maristow Cottage, Bere Ferrers | Detached (freehold) | Jun 2014 | £406,005 |