Map of RM19 1LB postcode

General information
Postcode RM19 1LB
Post Town Purfleet
Nearest station Purfleet (0 km)
Bus stops
Tank Hill Road Primary School (S)
Railway Station (E)
Marlow Avenue (N)
Saladin Drive (S)
Marlow Avenue (S)
War Memorial (SE)
Roads in this postcode
Number of UPRNs 101 View
Known addresses
201 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-Thames
205 Caspian Way, Purfleet
207 Caspian Way, Purfleet
213 Caspian Way, Purfleet
215 Caspian Way, Purfleet
217 Caspian Way, Purfleet
219 Caspian Way, Purfleet
221 Caspian Way, Purfleet
223 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-Thames
225 Caspian Way, Purfleet
225 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-Thames
231 Caspian Way, Purfleet
231 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-Thames
233 Caspian Way, Purfleet
237 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-Thames
243 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-Thames
247 Caspian Way, Purfleet
249 Caspian Way, Purfleet
253 Caspian Way, Purfleet
257 Caspian Way, Purfleet
259 Caspian Way, Purfleet
261 Caspian Way, Purfleet
263 Caspian Way, Purfleet
265 Caspian Way, Purfleet
269 Caspian Way, Purfleet
273 Caspian Way, Purfleet
275 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-Thames
277 Caspian Way, Purfleet
281 Caspian Way, Purfleet
283 Caspian Way, Purfleet
287 Caspian Way, Purfleet
287 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-Thames
289 Caspian Way, Purfleet
291 Caspian Way, Purfleet
293 Caspian Way, Purfleet
295 Caspian Way, Purfleet
297 Caspian Way, Purfleet
299 Caspian Way, Purfleet
301 Caspian Way, Purfleet
303 Caspian Way, Purfleet
305 Caspian Way, Purfleet
307 Caspian Way, Purfleet
309 Caspian Way, Purfleet
311 Caspian Way, Purfleet
313 Caspian Way, Purfleet
315 Caspian Way, Purfleet
317 Caspian Way, Purfleet
317 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-Thames
319 Caspian Way, Purfleet
321 Caspian Way, Purfleet
323 Caspian Way, Purfleet
323 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-Thames
325 Caspian Way, Purfleet
327 Caspian Way, Purfleet
329 Caspian Way, Purfleet
331 Caspian Way, Purfleet
333 Caspian Way, Purfleet
333 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-Thames
335 Caspian Way, Purfleet
337 Caspian Way, Purfleet
339 Caspian Way, Purfleet
341 Caspian Way, Purfleet
343 Caspian Way, Purfleet
345 Caspian Way, Purfleet
347 Caspian Way, Purfleet
347 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-Thames
349 Caspian Way, Purfleet
351 Caspian Way, Purfleet
353 Caspian Way, Purfleet
355 Caspian Way, Purfleet
357 Caspian Way, Purfleet
359 Caspian Way, Purfleet
361 Caspian Way, Purfleet
363 Caspian Way, Purfleet
Main property type Flat
Latitude 51.484146
Longitude 0.237007
Easting 555423
Northing 178505
Grid reference TQ554785
UTM reference 31U 308163 5707286
Plus code 9F32F6MP+MR
Altitude 1 metres (4 feet)
Sunrise (today) 6:12
Sunset (today) 18:05
Distance away
Distance to sea 12.5 KMs (7.8 miles)
Administrative areas
ParishThurrock, unparished areaE43000029
Ward West Thurrock and South Stifford E05002248
Unitary Authority Thurrock E06000034
County Essex E10000012
Constituency (2024) Thurrock E14001546
MPJen CraftLabour
Police forceEssex
Water companyEssex & Suffolk Water
Sewage companyAnglian Water
NUTS/ITL 3 Thurrock
NUTS/ITL 2 Essex
NUTS/ITL 1 East of England
Country England E92000001
Date introduced September 2005
Last updated February 2025
User type Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean
Population (2011) 180
Households (2011) 78
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019)
9,790 / 32,844
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020)
Lowest (£22,200) Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urbanUrban city and town
Built up area (2024)Chafford Hundred, West Thurrock and Purfleet-on-ThamesE63012081
Census output area (2021)E00175300
Census output area (2011)E00175300
Lower layer super output area (2021)Thurrock 021BE01016014
Lower layer super output area (2011)Thurrock 015EE01016014
Middle layer super output area (2021)PurfleetE02007004
Middle layer super output area (2011)Purfleet, South Stifford & LakesideE02003310
Travel to work areaLondonE30000234
Property sales
Average property price in Romford £386,016
Annual change 0.6%
View all properties sold in the RM postcode area
Properties recently sold in this postcode
275 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-ThamesFlat (leasehold)Sep 2023£240,000
237 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-ThamesFlat (leasehold)Jul 2023£90,000
225 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-ThamesFlat (leasehold)Oct 2022£96,000
201 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-ThamesFlat (leasehold)Oct 2022£177,000
323 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-ThamesFlat (leasehold)Sep 2022£227,000
231 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-ThamesFlat (leasehold)Aug 2022£240,000
317 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-ThamesFlat (leasehold)Dec 2021£212,000
287 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-ThamesFlat (leasehold)Oct 2021£84,000
347 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-ThamesTerraced (freehold)Jun 2021£318,000
243 Caspian Way, Purfleet-On-ThamesFlat (leasehold)Jun 2021£225,000

View all properties sold in the RM19 1 sector

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Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2025
Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
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