Map of S41 0GF postcode

General information
Postcode S41 0GF
Post Town Chesterfield
Nearest station Chesterfield (0 km)
Bus stops
Stanley Street (N)
Stanley Street (S)
Clayton Street (NW)
Piccadilly Road (N)
Piccadilly Road (S)
Valley Crescent (NW)
Roads in this postcode
Number of UPRNs 126 View
Known addresses
Apartment 101, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 102, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 103, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 104, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 105, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 106, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 107, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 108, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 109, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 110, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 111, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 112, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 113, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 114, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 115, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 116, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 117, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 118, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 119, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 120, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 121, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 122, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 123, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 124, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 125, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 126, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 127, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 201, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 202, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 203, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 204, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 205, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 206, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 207, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 208, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 209, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 210, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 211, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 212, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 213, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 214, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 215, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 216, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 217, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 218, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 219, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 220, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 221, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 222, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 223, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 224, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 225, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 226, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 301, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 302, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 303, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 304, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 305, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 306, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Apartment 307, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, Chesterfield
Main property type Flat
No businesses found
Latitude 53.234012
Longitude -1.418283
Easting 438926
Northing 370933
Grid reference SK389709
UTM reference 30U 605570 5899470
Plus code 9C5W6HMJ+JM
Altitude 81 metres (265 feet)
Sunrise (today) 6:26
Sunset (today) 18:06
Distance away
Distance to sea 69.2 KMs (43 miles)
Administrative areas
ParishChesterfield, unparished areaE43000048
Ward Spire E05015179
Local Authority District Chesterfield E07000034
County Electoral Division Spire E58000241
Local Authority Derbyshire E10000007
County Derbyshire E10000007
Constituency (2024) Chesterfield E14001165
MPMr Toby PerkinsLabour
Police forceDerbyshire
Water companySevern Trent
Sewage companyYorkshire Water
NUTS/ITL 3 East Derbyshire
NUTS/ITL 2 Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire
NUTS/ITL 1 East Midlands
Country England E92000001
Date introduced March 2008
Last updated February 2025
User type Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean
Population (2011) 75
Households (2011) 51
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019)
16,626 / 32,844
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020)
Lowest (£22,200) Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urbanUrban city and town
Built up area (2024)ChesterfieldE63008717
Census output area (2021)E00173354
Census output area (2011)E00173354
Lower layer super output area (2021)Chesterfield 012GE01019585
Lower layer super output area (2011)Chesterfield 012GE01019585
Middle layer super output area (2021)Spital & HaslandE02004066
Middle layer super output area (2011)Spital & HaslandE02004066
Travel to work areaChesterfieldE30000190
Property sales
Properties recently sold in this postcode
Apartment 205, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, ChesterfieldFlat (leasehold)Nov 2024£100,000
Flat (leasehold)Oct 2018£93,000
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2013£73,950
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2013£782,550
Apartment 301, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, ChesterfieldFlat (leasehold)Nov 2024£105,000
New build flat (leasehold)Feb 2008£140,800
Apartment 114, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, ChesterfieldFlat (leasehold)May 2024£84,500
Flat (leasehold)Aug 2020£85,000
Flat (leasehold)May 2008£85,000
Apartment 111, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, ChesterfieldFlat (leasehold)Aug 2023£82,000
Flat (leasehold)Jul 2018£89,000
New build flat (leasehold)Dec 2007£103,400
Apartment 305, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, ChesterfieldFlat (leasehold)Aug 2022£110,000
Flat (leasehold)Feb 2020£77,000
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2013£782,550
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2013£74,950
Apartment 203, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, ChesterfieldFlat (leasehold)Jun 2022£110,000
Apartment 210, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, ChesterfieldFlat (leasehold)Mar 2022£106,000
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2013£76,500
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2013£782,550
Apartment 206, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, ChesterfieldFlat (leasehold)Mar 2022£97,000
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2013£782,550
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2013£73,950
Apartment 123, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, ChesterfieldFlat (leasehold)Feb 2022£80,000
New build flat (leasehold)Dec 2007£103,400
Apartment 202, Piccadilly Heights, Wain Avenue, ChesterfieldFlat (leasehold)Nov 2021£90,000
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2013£64,950
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2013£782,550

View all properties sold in the S41 0 sector

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Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2025
Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
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