Map of YO12 7TN postcode

General information
Postcode YO12 7TN
Post Town Scarborough
Nearest station Scarborough (1 km)
Bus stops
Corner Cafe (SW)
Peasholm Gap (S)
Peasholm Park (N)
Peasholm Park (NW)
Peasholm Park (SE)
Woodall Avenue (NW)
Roads in this postcode
Number of UPRNs 246 View
Known addresses
Apartment 1, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 1, Lockton House, Scarborough
Apartment 101, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 101, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 102, Apartment 102 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 102, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 103, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 104, Apartment 104 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 104, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 104, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 105, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 105, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 106, Apartment 106 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 106, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 106, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 107, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 107, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 108, Apartment 108 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 108, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 109, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 110, Apartment 110 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 111, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 112, Apartment 112 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 113, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 114, Apartment 114 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 115, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 116, Apartment 116 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 2, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 2, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 201, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 201, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 202, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 203, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 203, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 204, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 204, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 205, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 205, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 206, Apartment 206 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 206, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 207, Apartment 207 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 207, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 208, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 209, Apartment 209 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 209, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 210, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 211, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 212, Apartment 212 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 212, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 213, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 214, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 215, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 216, Apartment 216 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 3, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 3, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 301, Apartment 301 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 301, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 302, Apartment 302 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 302, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 303, Apartment 303 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 303, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 303, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 304, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 305, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 305, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 306, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 306, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 307, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 307, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 308, Apartment 308 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 309, Apartment 309 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 309, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 310, Apartment 310 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 311, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 312, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 314, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 315, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 316, Apartment 316 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 4, Kepwick House, Scarborough
Apartment 4, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 401, Apartment 401 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 401, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 402, Apartment 402 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 403, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 404, Apartment 404 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 404, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 404, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 405, Kepwick House, Scarborough
Apartment 405, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 406, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 407, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 407, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 408, Apartment 408 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 409, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 410, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 411, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 412, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 413, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 414, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 415, Apartment 415 Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 416, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 5, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 5, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 501, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 502, Lockton House, Scarborough
Apartment 503, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 504, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 6, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 6, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 7, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Apartment 8, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Chalet 14 Puffin Block, Scarborough
Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough
Main property type Flat
Latitude 54.293055
Longitude -0.407667
Easting 503739
Northing 489773
Grid reference TA037897
UTM reference 30U 668712 6019227
Plus code 9C6X7HVR+6W
Altitude 9 metres (30 feet)
Sunrise (today) 6:12
Sunset (today) 18:09
Distance away
Distance to sea 0.1 KMs (0 miles)
Administrative areas
Ward Northstead E05014301
Unitary Authority North Yorkshire E06000065
County Electoral Division Northstead E58001076
County North Yorkshire E10000023
Constituency (2024) Scarborough and Whitby E14001461
MPAlison HumeLabour
Police forceNorth Yorkshire
Water companyYorkshire Water
NUTS/ITL 3 North Yorkshire
NUTS/ITL 2 North Yorkshire
NUTS/ITL 1 Yorkshire and The Humber
Country England E92000001
Date introduced October 2008
Last updated February 2025
User type Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean
Population (2011) 20
Households (2011) 13
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019)
6,252 / 32,844
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020)
Lowest (£22,200) Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urbanUrban city and town
Built up area (2024)ScarboroughE63007514
Census output area (2021)E00141870
Census output area (2011)E00141870
Lower layer super output area (2021)Scarborough 006FE01034974
Lower layer super output area (2011)Scarborough 006CE01027846
Middle layer super output area (2021)Scarborough Town & North BayE02005800
Middle layer super output area (2011)Scarborough Town & North BayE02005800
Travel to work areaScarboroughE30000259
Property sales
Average property price in York £254,433
Annual change -2.6%
View all properties sold in the YO postcode area
Properties recently sold in this postcode
Apartment 205, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, ScarboroughFlat (leasehold)Dec 2024£290,000
Apartment 102, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, ScarboroughFlat (leasehold)Oct 2024£425,000
Flat (leasehold)Nov 2011£270,000
Apartment 107, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, ScarboroughFlat (leasehold)Oct 2024£375,000
New build flat (leasehold)Apr 2010£190,000
Apartment 503, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, ScarboroughFlat (leasehold)Oct 2024£550,000
Flat (leasehold)Aug 2015£440,000
New build flat (leasehold)Feb 2010£280,000
Apartment 307, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, ScarboroughFlat (leasehold)Jul 2024£180,000
New build flat (leasehold)Nov 2008£150,000
Apartment 303, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, ScarboroughFlat (leasehold)May 2024£215,000
Chalet 14 Puffin Block, ScarboroughOther (leasehold)Jan 2024£60,970
Apartment 109, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, ScarboroughFlat (leasehold)May 2023£182,000
Flat (leasehold)Sep 2011£153,000
New build flat (leasehold)Nov 2008£140,000
Apartment 205, Lockton House, Peasholm Gap, ScarboroughFlat (leasehold)Apr 2023£235,500
Flat (leasehold)Jul 2015£205,000
New build flat (leasehold)Apr 2009£215,000
Apartment 3, Kepwick House, Peasholm Gap, ScarboroughFlat (leasehold)Dec 2022£385,000

View all properties sold in the YO12 7 sector

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Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
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Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
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