Map of Blackpool North station

Blackpool North station
Postcode FY1 2AB
Nearby stations
Bus stops
Talbot Road (NE)
Talbot Road (W)
Dickson Road (S)
Buchanan Street (SW)
Dickson Road (N)
Buchanan Street (NE)
Station code (TLC) BPN
Station code (NLC) 2739
Owner Northern Trains
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 1,973,138 3.4 % 1,482 50.2 %
2023 1,908,778 7.1 % 987 -21.7 %
2022 1,781,704 233.1 % 1,261 302.9 %
2021 534,858 -70.2 % 313 -83.8 %
2020 1,791,822 15.6 % 1,929 -40.9 %
2019 1,549,842 -1.8 % 3,266 3302.1 %
2018 1,577,596 -15.1 % 96 -97.8 %
2017 1,858,794 5.4 % 4,292 7.8 %
2016 1,764,014 0.4 % 3,982 43.7 %
2015 1,757,542 6.4 % 2,771 -51.0 %
2014 1,652,600 -1.8 % 5,657 23.6 %
2013 1,683,010 -2.4 % 4,578 -23.2 %
2012 1,724,380 0.7 % 5,964 31.4 %
2011 1,712,406 6.1 % 4,538 23.2 %
2010 1,613,494 -0.5 % 3,684 5.1 %
2009 1,621,228 -3.8 % 3,504 283.4 %
2008 1,684,803 0.7 % 914 9.1 %
2007 1,673,032 3.9 % 838 12.0 %
2006 1,609,528 -3.3 % 748 -69.4 %
2005 1,664,064 2,441
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 53.821918
Longitude -3.049275
Easting 331024
Northing 436694
Grid reference SD310366
UTM reference 30U 496756 5963709
Plus code
Distance away
This map shows the postcodes where this station is the nearest to the postcode (as the crow flies)