Map of Carnforth station

Carnforth station
Postcode LA5 9ET
Nearby stations
Bus stops
Railway Station (N)
Railway Station (NE)
War Memorial (SE)
Railway Club (N)
Railway Club (S)
Police Station (N)
Station code (TLC) CNF
Station code (NLC) 2640
Owner Northern Trains
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 174,598 7.5 % 16,518 5.1 %
2023 162,400 7.2 % 15,713 39.3 %
2022 151,484 192.6 % 11,282 467.8 %
2021 51,772 -72.6 % 1,987 -86.8 %
2020 189,000 13.5 % 15,069 30.6 %
2019 166,556 -5.0 % 11,542 14.1 %
2018 175,384 -11.5 % 10,118 -10.0 %
2017 198,270 -4.0 % 11,242 13.4 %
2016 206,572 1.2 % 9,913 9.7 %
2015 204,196 -1.2 % 9,036 5.9 %
2014 206,590 5.2 % 8,529 -5.7 %
2013 196,470 2.7 % 9,048 -8.6 %
2012 191,306 -2.9 % 9,895 -10.2 %
2011 196,972 9.7 % 11,015 -7.4 %
2010 179,602 1.5 % 11,901 25.6 %
2009 176,918 1.3 % 9,476 30.1 %
2008 174,644 15.8 % 7,283 114.2 %
2007 150,824 -4.1 % 3,400 24.2 %
2006 157,240 5.1 % 2,738 -79.1 %
2005 149,649 13,080
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 54.129681
Longitude -2.771233
Easting 349700
Northing 470700
Grid reference SD496707
UTM reference 30U 514948 5997974
Plus code
Distance away
This map shows the postcodes where this station is the nearest to the postcode (as the crow flies)