Map of Dorchester West station

Dorchester West station
Postcode DT1 2LB
Nearby stations
Bus stops
Market (N)
Market (S)
Williams Avenue (SE)
Brewery Square (NE)
Queens Avenue (N)
Queens Avenue (SW)
Station code (TLC) DCW
Station code (NLC) 5962
Owner Great Western Railway
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 89,732 9.2 % 37 -14.0 %
2023 82,196 22.7 % 43 87.0 %
2022 66,992 202.7 % 23 666.7 %
2021 22,134 -76.4 % 3 -93.8 %
2020 93,662 -38.1 % 48 0.0 %
2019 151,418 -4.2 % 48 0.0 %
2018 158,112 -4.2 % 48 23.1 %
2017 164,997 23.0 % 39 -22.0 %
2016 134,105 2.1 % 50 -2.0 %
2015 131,408 -1.6 % 51
2014 133,568 2.1 %
2013 130,838 102.0 %
2012 64,776 -13.9 %
2011 75,276 -1.7 % -100.0 %
2010 76,600 4.1 % 2 -98.1 %
2009 73,596 11.6 % 105 -20.5 %
2008 65,961 38249.4 % 132 -45.9 %
2007 172 -27.1 % 244 -8.6 %
2006 236 -21.6 % 267
2005 301
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 50.710956
Longitude -2.442541
Easting 368850
Northing 90240
Grid reference SY688902
UTM reference 30U 539359 5617831
Plus code
Distance away
This map shows the postcodes where this station is the nearest to the postcode (as the crow flies)