Map of Dovey Junction station

Dovey Junction station
Postcode SY20 8PZ
Nearby stations
Bus stops
No nearby bus stops
Station code (TLC) DVY
Station code (NLC) 4436
Owner TfW Rail
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 14,610 59.0 % 7,847 79.6 %
2023 9,190 30.7 % 4,370 69.7 %
2022 7,030 315.5 % 2,575 179.9 %
2021 1,692 -60.6 % 920 -88.6 %
2020 4,292 -7.1 % 8,097 -13.1 %
2019 4,622 4.2 % 9,321 0.1 %
2018 4,434 8.6 % 9,312 3.1 %
2017 4,084 9.2 % 9,035 16.6 %
2016 3,740 58.1 % 7,748 653.0 %
2015 2,366 29.4 % 1,029 -1.6 %
2014 1,828 7.9 % 1,046 -25.1 %
2013 1,694 30.7 % 1,397 14.9 %
2012 1,296 -12.6 % 1,216 29.2 %
2011 1,482 -16.2 % 941 30.3 %
2010 1,768 18.3 % 722 47.0 %
2009 1,494 -24.5 % 491 -47.5 %
2008 1,978 38.3 % 936 -77.5 %
2007 1,430 34.7 % 4,161 10.8 %
2006 1,062 -2.8 % 3,755 -29.5 %
2005 1,093 5,327
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 52.564364
Longitude -3.923903
Easting 269690
Northing 298021
Grid reference SN696980
UTM reference 30U 437374 5824212
Plus code
Distance away
This map shows the postcodes where this station is the nearest to the postcode (as the crow flies)