Map of Hamilton Central station

Hamilton Central station
Postcode ML3 6PB
Nearby stations
Bus stops
Bus Station (S)
Leechlee Road (E)
Bus Station (W)
Gateside Street (NE)
John Street (S)
Woodside Walk (SW)
Station code (TLC) HNC
Station code (NLC) 9726
Owner ScotRail
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 648,720 23.2 % 5,076 117.6 %
2023 526,570 38.9 % 2,333 -10.4 %
2022 378,966 266.4 % 2,603 332.4 %
2021 103,426 -86.3 % 602 -89.0 %
2020 757,450 0.1 % 5,470 18.9 %
2019 756,528 -6.7 % 4,600 -37.6 %
2018 811,104 -4.3 % 7,374 10.1 %
2017 847,484 2.7 % 6,698 18.8 %
2016 825,176 -2.7 % 5,639 -26.9 %
2015 847,790 4.0 % 7,710 -33.1 %
2014 815,322 -8.6 % 11,531 94.8 %
2013 892,228 2.2 % 5,920 55.4 %
2012 873,178 3.2 % 3,810 -26.3 %
2011 845,704 5.2 % 5,171 23.6 %
2010 803,932 -1.4 % 4,183 -20.4 %
2009 815,296 9.2 % 5,255 161.8 %
2008 746,393 5.9 % 2,007 879.0 %
2007 705,089 5.0 % 205 -21.8 %
2006 671,803 17.9 % 262 1278.9 %
2005 569,780 19
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 55.773198
Longitude -4.038886
Easting 272200
Northing 655201
Grid reference NS721552
UTM reference 30U 434829 6181326
Plus code
Distance away
This map shows the postcodes where this station is the nearest to the postcode (as the crow flies)