Map of Kidsgrove station

Kidsgrove station
Postcode ST7 1BX
Nearby stations
Bus stops
Tesco Store (NW)
Tesco Store (SE)
St Thomas's Church (S)
Meadows Road (NW)
St Thomas's Church (N)
St Johns RC Primary School (NE)
Station code (TLC) KDG
Station code (NLC) 1229
Owner East Midlands Railway
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 243,534 8.5 % 21,075 24.8 %
2023 224,386 18.5 % 16,881 -13.9 %
2022 189,404 245.7 % 19,602 237.3 %
2021 54,796 -76.8 % 5,812 -82.1 %
2020 235,864 0.3 % 32,544 87.1 %
2019 235,114 -3.7 % 17,397 28.1 %
2018 244,258 6.9 % 13,580 -9.4 %
2017 228,396 11.3 % 14,981 21.3 %
2016 205,248 4.8 % 12,349 30.8 %
2015 195,832 7.8 % 9,440 -8.8 %
2014 181,710 10.0 % 10,354 7.4 %
2013 165,132 4.2 % 9,638 16.0 %
2012 158,478 12.3 % 8,308 -9.6 %
2011 141,158 36.0 % 9,187 42.8 %
2010 103,824 68.7 % 6,434 44.9 %
2009 61,558 22.6 % 4,441 75.3 %
2008 50,194 15.0 % 2,533 -20.5 %
2007 43,661 35.6 % 3,185 120.6 %
2006 32,192 4.4 % 1,444 11.7 %
2005 30,850 1,293
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 53.086567
Longitude -2.244816
Easting 383700
Northing 354400
Grid reference SJ836544
UTM reference 30U 550578 5882167
Plus code
Distance away
This map shows the postcodes where this station is the nearest to the postcode (as the crow flies)