Map of Lelant station

Lelant station
Postcode TR26 3DS
This station is a request stop
Nearby stations
Bus stops
Village Hall (NE)
Station code (TLC) LEL
Station code (NLC) 3539
Owner Great Western Railway
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 27,722 10.2 %
2023 25,160 -15.5 %
2022 29,788 79.4 %
2021 16,600 -23.2 %
2020 21,608 103.2 %
2019 10,632 10.5 %
2018 9,618 15.6 %
2017 8,322 2.7 %
2016 8,104 182.0 %
2015 2,874 15.2 %
2014 2,494 7.4 %
2013 2,322 -20.2 %
2012 2,910 58.0 %
2011 1,842 468.5 %
2010 324 -42.1 %
2009 560 133.3 %
2008 240 -4.0 %
2007 250 -84.9 %
2006 1,653 -81.0 %
2005 8,697
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 50.184131
Longitude -5.436548
Easting 154770
Northing 37221
Grid reference SW547372
UTM reference 30U 326056 5561945
Plus code
Distance away
This map shows the postcodes where this station is the nearest to the postcode (as the crow flies)