Map of Mansfield Woodhouse station

Mansfield Woodhouse station
Postcode NG19 8DA
Nearby stations
Bus stops
Debdale Gate (SW)
Sherwood Street (NW)
Sherwood Street (SE)
Spring Hill (SW)
Spring Hill (NE)
Mayhall Avenue (NW)
Station code (TLC) MSW
Station code (NLC) 1728
Owner East Midlands Railway
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 116,086 4.1 %
2023 111,476 26.0 %
2022 88,452 189.9 %
2021 30,514 -84.1 %
2020 191,932 1.3 %
2019 189,524 2.0 %
2018 185,826 3.5 %
2017 179,602 6.0 %
2016 169,506 6.8 %
2015 158,692 13.7 %
2014 139,582 -10.4 %
2013 155,792 -2.8 %
2012 160,342 9.8 %
2011 146,054 -6.2 %
2010 155,790 9.4 %
2009 142,426 9.7 %
2008 129,774 0.2 %
2007 129,473 2.0 %
2006 126,918 5.1 %
2005 120,729
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 53.163563
Longitude -1.201849
Easting 453460
Northing 363235
Grid reference SK534632
UTM reference 30U 620212 5891975
Plus code
Distance away
This map shows the postcodes where this station is the nearest to the postcode (as the crow flies)