Map of New Hythe station

New Hythe station
Postcode ME20 6XJ
Nearby stations
Bus stops
The Bricklayers Arms (SW)
The Bricklayers Arms (NE)
Station code (TLC) NHE
Station code (NLC) 5238
Owner Southeastern
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 159,640 24.6 %
2023 128,148 -0.1 %
2022 128,272 151.6 %
2021 50,980 -72.5 %
2020 185,404 3.6 %
2019 178,960 10.5 %
2018 161,968 30.0 %
2017 124,612 15.4 %
2016 107,954 -0.7 %
2015 108,684 19.9 %
2014 90,614 1.0 %
2013 89,712 -2.7 %
2012 92,178 5.8 %
2011 87,138 12.6 %
2010 77,420 -7.1 %
2009 83,336 13.9 %
2008 73,147 14.5 %
2007 63,890 11.0 %
2006 57,551 24.7 %
2005 46,147
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 51.313
Longitude 0.454929
Easting 571190
Northing 159960
Grid reference TQ711599
UTM reference 31U 322630 5687708
Plus code
Distance away
This map shows the postcodes where this station is the nearest to the postcode (as the crow flies)