Map of Rugeley Trent Valley station

Rugeley Trent Valley station
Postcode WS15 3HA
Nearby stations
Bus stops
No nearby bus stops
Station code (TLC) RGL
Station code (NLC) 1084
Owner West Midlands Trains (West Midlands Railway)
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 169,364 9.4 % 54,741 47.3 %
2023 154,780 4.6 % 37,174 39.4 %
2022 147,922 199.5 % 26,660 222.7 %
2021 49,394 -72.0 % 8,262 -74.7 %
2020 176,120 -3.8 % 32,605 -5.3 %
2019 183,008 14.3 % 34,425 -7.6 %
2018 160,124 0.7 % 37,267 -6.2 %
2017 158,938 2.0 % 39,722 26.9 %
2016 155,876 6.3 % 31,300 2.0 %
2015 146,592 9.1 % 30,694 1.4 %
2014 134,396 14.6 % 30,267 2.8 %
2013 117,302 3.1 % 29,449 -2.4 %
2012 113,816 48.2 % 30,170 -18.3 %
2011 76,790 44.8 % 36,909 3.5 %
2010 53,028 160.9 % 35,677 -40.4 %
2009 20,324 71.5 % 59,831 1104.1 %
2008 11,854 4.8 % 4,969 41.8 %
2007 11,314 67.2 % 3,503 31.8 %
2006 6,767 -12.5 % 2,658 72.0 %
2005 7,731 1,545
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 52.769657
Longitude -1.929852
Easting 404830
Northing 319120
Grid reference SK048191
UTM reference 30U 572198 5847184
Plus code
Distance away
This map shows the postcodes where this station is the nearest to the postcode (as the crow flies)