Map of Wilmslow station

Wilmslow station
Postcode SK9 1BU
Nearby stations
Bus stops
Bollin Valley Link (S)
Mill Street (N)
Mill Road (S)
Bank Square (SW)
Bank Square (N)
Station code (TLC) WML
Station code (NLC) 2774
Owner Northern Trains
National Rail Enquiries

Entries and exits

Year Entries and exits Annual change % Interchanges Annual change %
2024 1,136,086 14.4 % 93,226 3.1 %
2023 992,844 18.4 % 90,395 35.2 %
2022 838,242 222.1 % 66,870 296.8 %
2021 260,258 -83.3 % 16,853 -88.3 %
2020 1,561,422 -3.6 % 143,779 3.4 %
2019 1,620,364 1.3 % 139,082 17.3 %
2018 1,600,286 4.5 % 118,593 10.0 %
2017 1,530,954 9.7 % 107,785 7.3 %
2016 1,396,006 5.1 % 100,407 8.3 %
2015 1,328,652 3.9 % 92,714 19.5 %
2014 1,279,316 12.2 % 77,611 -8.4 %
2013 1,140,524 6.6 % 84,729 6.3 %
2012 1,070,032 8.1 % 79,722 17.2 %
2011 990,034 15.8 % 68,041 14.4 %
2010 855,126 14.0 % 59,474 1.9 %
2009 750,434 9.4 % 58,359 158.7 %
2008 685,684 37.3 % 22,557 9.9 %
2007 499,394 -6.2 % 20,521 1.9 %
2006 532,652 -6.5 % 20,147 -56.6 %
2005 569,820 46,408
Note: Data is for financial years, so 2020 is April 2019 to March 2020
Latitude 53.326849
Longitude -2.226327
Easting 385023
Northing 381127
Grid reference SJ850811
UTM reference 30U 551528 5908909
Plus code
Distance away
This map shows the postcodes where this station is the nearest to the postcode (as the crow flies)