Postcode | LN11 7QU |
Post Town | Louth |
Nearest station | Cleethorpes (17 km) |
Bus stops |
Village Hall (SE)
Churchill Road (W)
Churchill Road (E)
Roads in this postcode | |
Number of UPRNs | 30 View |
Known addresses |
Albion House, Keeling Street, North Somercotes
Anfield, Keeling Street, North Somercotes
Arden House, Keeling Street, North Somercotes
Croft Ness, Keeling Street, North Somercotes
Elim, Keeling Street, North Somercotes
Four Mile Point, Keeling Street, North Somercotes
Hawthorn House, Keeling Street, North Somercotes
Meadow View, Keeling Street, North Somercotes
Poplar Lodge, Keeling Street, North Somercotes
Portland, Keeling Street, North Somercotes
The Bungalow, Keeling Street, North Somercotes
The Vicarage, Keeling Street, North Somercotes
Turf Moor, Keeling Street, North Somercotes
Victor House, Keeling Street, North Somercotes
Warwick House, Keeling Street, North Somercotes
Yarwell House, Keeling Street, North Somercotes
1 Midsomer Cottages, Keeling Street, North Somercotes
2 Midsomer Cottages, Keeling Street, North Somercotes
3 Midsomer Cottages, Keeling Street, North Somercotes
Main property type | Detached |
Businesses |
Latitude | 53.445069 | |
Longitude | 0.143689 | |
Easting | 542472 | |
Northing | 396395 | |
Grid reference | TF424963 | |
UTM reference | 31U 310311 5925582 | |
what3words | manifests.armful.coconuts | |
Plus code | 9F52C4WV+2F | |
Altitude | 5 metres (16 feet) | |
Sunrise (today) | 6:20 | |
Sunset (today) | 18:00 | |
Distance away | ||
Distance to sea | 2.7 KMs (1.7 miles) |
Parish | North Somercotes | E04005704 |
Ward | Marshchapel & Somercotes | E05009889 |
Local Authority District | East Lindsey | E07000137 |
County Electoral Division | Saltfleet & the Cotes | E58000934 |
Local Authority | Lincolnshire | E10000019 |
County | Lincolnshire | E10000019 |
Constituency (2024) | Louth and Horncastle | E14001343 |
MP | Victoria Atkins | Conservative |
Police force | Lincolnshire | |
Water company | Anglian Water | |
NUTS/ITL 3 | Lincolnshire CC | |
NUTS/ITL 2 | Lincolnshire | |
NUTS/ITL 1 | East Midlands | |
Country | England | E92000001 |
Date introduced | January 1980 |
Last updated | February 2025 |
User type | Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day) |
Quality | Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean |
Population (2011) | 51 | |
Households (2011) | 21 | |
Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019) |
Most deprivedLeast deprived
Average household income (2020) |
Lowest (£22,200)
Highest (£108,100)
Rural/urban | Rural village | |
Built up area (2024) | North Somercotes | E63008404 |
Census output area (2021) | E00132369 | |
Census output area (2011) | E00132369 | |
Lower layer super output area (2021) | East Lindsey 002C | E01026079 |
Lower layer super output area (2011) | East Lindsey 002C | E01026079 |
Middle layer super output area (2021) | Marshchapel, Somercotes & Grimoldby | E02005425 |
Middle layer super output area (2011) | Marshchapel, Somercotes & Grimoldby | E02005425 |
Travel to work area | Skegness and Louth | E30000264 |
Average property price in Lincoln | £222,068 |
Annual change | -1.8% |
Address | Type | Date | Price |
Victor House, Keeling Street, North Somercotes | Detached (freehold) | Apr 2022 | £349,950 |
Detached (freehold) | Apr 2002 | £120,000 | |
Detached (freehold) | Jan 2001 | £112,000 | |
Arden House, Keeling Street, North Somercotes | Detached (freehold) | Jul 2020 | £275,000 |
Elim, Keeling Street, North Somercotes | Detached (freehold) | Mar 2020 | £149,500 |
Poplar Lodge, Keeling Street, North Somercotes | Other (freehold) | Jan 2020 | £550,000 |
The Vicarage, Keeling Street, North Somercotes | Detached (freehold) | Jan 2019 | £230,000 |
Four Mile Point, Keeling Street, North Somercotes | Detached (freehold) | Apr 2018 | £179,950 |
Detached (freehold) | Nov 2010 | £167,000 | |
New build detached (freehold) | Oct 1996 | £58,000 | |
The Bungalow, Keeling Street, North Somercotes | Detached (freehold) | Nov 2017 | £199,950 |
Portland, Keeling Street, North Somercotes | Detached (freehold) | Oct 2017 | £316,000 |
3 Midsomer Cottages, Keeling Street, North Somercotes | Semi-detached (freehold) | Apr 2017 | £120,000 |
Yarwell House, Keeling Street, North Somercotes | Detached (freehold) | Aug 2015 | £200,000 |